1. If I'm not 100% confident, it means I'm going to fail my exams.

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  2. He/she won't go out with me, it means nobody will ever want to be with me.

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  3. I failed my exams, I am a failure and I can't succeed in anything.

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  4. I managed to get the internship of my dreams, but it's obviously not thanks to my resume, I just got lucky.

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  5. I have to go to this party or my friends will think I'm avoiding them. They didn't tell me, but I know that's what they'll think.

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  6. I'm stressed about this party I'm organising, if it doesn't go well, I won't be able to make friends again and I'll end up alone.

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  7. This person is laughing really loudly, he/she is annoying.

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  8. I must call my family more often, I haven't spoken to them for a month, I'm not doing the right thing.

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  9. What is happening to me is my fault. If they don't want to come and work with me, it's probably because I've done something.

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  10. I feel like a loser, so I'm a loser. Besides, I'm sure that people don't find me interesting.

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  11. That's a nice compliment, but they didn't mean it because they don't really know me.

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All-or-nothing thinking


A tendency to predict worst-case scenarios and to make decisions based on these erroneous predictions.
All-or-nothing thinking


Definitive judgment of self and/or other.                                     
All-or-nothing thinking


A tendency to overestimate the probability, severity or importance of an adverse event, its errors or shortcomings.
All-or-nothing thinking

Mind reading

A tendency to think one knows what others are thinking, or to guess their reactions without proof.
All-or-nothing thinking


A tendency to minimise or trivialise one's strengths, successes or moments of happiness.
All-or-nothing thinking

Should statements

A tendency to attribute moral and arbitrary obligations to oneself that give rise to guilt: "I have to, I should", or to attribute responsibilities to others "they should", which can cause feelings of resentment and frustration.
All-or-nothing thinking


A tendency to wrongly think that one is responsible for a negative event, or that what others do is related to oneself, leading to feelings of guilt.
All-or-nothing thinking

Emotional reasoning

A tendency to consider emotions as evidence.        
All-or-nothing thinking


A tendency to draw a general conclusion based on an incident that happened once / sometimes, thinking that it will surely happen again and again.
All-or-nothing thinking

All-or-nothing thinking

A tendency to think with little nuance between two extreme positions, to see everything in black and white, now or never, good or bad.