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Measuring impact and research at Nightline

Nightline Franc is committed to rigorously measuring the effect of each of its actions on the mental health of the student community. Read more about our methodology here!
personnage à lunettes

Methodological rigor at the heart of the evaluation of our actions

Nightline takes an evidence-based approach to its work. The evaluation of each project is based on rigorous methods that provide evidence of the impact of our actions on student mental health, whether in the field of prevention and promotion of mental health or in that of destigmatization.

Acting for students and young people by contributing to research

Our research team is made up of PhDs and post-docs trained in research in the human and social sciences. In addition to our preventive actions, we aim to contribute to the mental health of students and young people by conducting research on subjects that concern them (for example, how to look after your mental health when you're a student). Through collaborations with French and international academic researchers, we carry out research (studies, surveys) to find out more about what it's like to be a student or young person, what their needs are and how we can contribute. This enables us to make recommendations and carry out advocacy actions based on scientifically rigorous research findings.

A community-based, participatory approach

Involving the student community is a key factor in the design and evaluation of our initiatives. Our research team and psychologists work closely with the student community on various projects, including research and evaluation of our actions. The richness of students' experiential knowledge is thus combined with the professional expertise of researchers and psychologists, with the aim of taking the best possible action for student mental health.

Read our latest reports
