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Legal Terms and Conditions

General Informations

Web editor

This website is the property of Nightline France.
Nightline France is an association according to the 1901 law.
SIRET - 824 092 605 00032

Head Office: 46 rue de Douai 75 009 Paris, France
Phone number: 01 83 62 44 89

Publishing Director

Nathalie Roudaut, Chief Delegate Nightline France

Website host

This website is hosted by OVH.

Address : 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France
Phone number : 1007

The tchat is hosted by DigitalOcean.

Address : 101 6th avenue - New York, NY - USA
Phone Number : +1 34 79 03 79 18


This website was designed by the company Mamasam, SARL with a capital of  11.433 €, its Head Office being situated at 48, avenue de la République, 94300 VINCENNES, registered with RCS CRÉTEIL under the number B 428 815 708.

Intellectual Property

The website and all of its contents, including but not limited to, the brands, the logos, the icons, the infographics, the photographs included, are protected under intellectual property in the name of international legislation. The content appearing on this website is the property of Nightline France. Any use, reproduction or representation, by any process whatsoever, and on any medium whatsoever, of all or part of the site and/or the elements that are part of it is unauthorised without the expressed consent of Nightline France.

Information on the use of personal data and privacy policy


To contact Nightline France about its privacy policy or the collection and processing of your personal data, you can send an email to

If you have any problems, you can send a complaint to the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés by clicking on this link:

Access, modification and deletion of personal data

You may request to know what personal data Nightline France holds about you at any time. To do so, send an email to You can also request that some or all of your data be modified or deleted by writing to the same address.

In all cases, you will be asked to prove your identity (by means of a copy of your identity card for example).

Telephone Calls

Only trained volunteers who have accepted Nightline France's charter can hear (and answer) your phone calls.
Only one volunteer will answer your phone call. They are the only person who can hear your call. No personal data is collected by Nightline France during telephone calls.

Exceptions to these general rules of confidentiality and anonymity during telephone calls are the following cases, and only the following cases

Imminent danger, with your consent (lifting of anonymity and confidentiality)

In the event that you are in imminent danger, particularly in the case of a suicide attempt, volunteers may ask you if you would like Nightline to call for help.

  • What personal data is collected?
    If you make this request explicitly, your anonymity can be lifted and the volunteer will ask you for details to identify and locate you. This data may include your first and last names, the address of the place where you are located and details of how to access it (entry code...), your telephone number, details of the danger involved (medication taken, injuries...) and a personal contact. The choice to give or not to give this information is always up to you.

  • For what usage ?
    The information collected to identify and/or locate you is only used to alert the emergency services.

  • Where is my data stored?
    The information collected to identify and/or locate you is stored on an information sheet kept at the office of the branch in question.

  • For how long?
    The information collected to identify and/or locate you is stored for one week before being deleted (destruction by shredding).
  • Who has access to it?
    If you are in imminent danger, the personal data collected is passed on to the rescue services. The volunteers on duty on the evening of your call and the president of the board of directors of the antenna will also have access to it.
  • On what legal basis?
    Your consent and the safeguarding of your vital interests. Nightline France only collects information enabling you to be identified and located at your explicit request, and only in the event that you are in imminent danger.

Abusive use of the service (breach of confidentiality

In the event that a caller misuses the service in order to voluntarily harm volunteers (harassment, insults, inappropriate behaviour, etc.), the confidentiality of discussions can be lifted within the association to allow volunteers to respond to this abusive behaviour.

  • What personal data is collected?
    The data collected are those related to the abusive part of the call, as well as possible means for the other volunteers on duty to recognise the caller with abusive behaviour, in case of recurrence.
  • For what purpose?
    This data is used to accompany volunteers who are victims of abusive calls and to warn other volunteers of the abuse they may be facing. The board of directors of the branch can also use this data to take a sanction, ranging from a warning to a ban from calling the line. In this case, the data is used to enable the volunteers to identify a caller with abusive behaviour who would try to call back in order to enforce the ban.
  • For how long?
    In order to be able to identify cases of recidivism and to enforce a ban on calling the long-distance line, this data is kept for 5 years.
  • Who has access to it?
    In the event of misuse of the service, the board of directors and volunteers of the branch concerned have access to the data collected.
  • On what legal basis?
    Nightline France's legitimate interest in protecting its volunteers from abusive behaviour.

Training of volunteers (partial lifting of confidentiality) 

If the volunteer answering your call is in training, he or she may be assisted by another volunteer who will also be able to hear your call.

In this case, no personal data is collected, and the trainer will not intervene directly, but the confidentiality of your exchanges includes the trainer’s in addition to the volunteer’s answering you. 

Presence of people at Nightline France’s helpline 

Occasionally, non-volunteers (employees, partners, journalists) may be present on the premises during Nightline France's duty hours. These people will never hear your calls, but they may hear the volunteers' answers on the telephone.

In this case, no personal data is collected and the people on the premises cannot hear your calls, they only have access to the Nightline France volunteers’ responses. 


At the end of each call, the volunteers note the statistics relevent to the call which allows us to analyse the number of calls we recieve and the themes that come up, The statistics automatically include : hour and date of contact ; duration ; themes covered ; type of call (tchat/phone call) ; the relevent branch (Paris, Lyon, etc.) ; if the caller received a referral to another service ; if the caller was abusive towards the volunteer.

They can also include the following information (only if the caller chooses to disclose this during the call) : the level and field of study ; the type of establishment (university, school, etc.) ; the caller's gender ; their nationality.


Only trained volunteers who have accepted Nightline France's charter can read (and reply to) your messages in the chat room. Only one volunteer will answer you in the chat.
Your messages in the chat room are kept for 48 hours after the end of the chat, after which they are deleted and are no longer accessible.
During this period, the content of the chats is accessible to the volunteers, trainers and administrators of the chat system (General Delegate and IT systems managers) of Nightline France.
No personal data is collected by Nightline France during the chats.
Exceptions to these general rules of confidentiality and anonymity of the chat are the following cases, and only the following cases:

Imminent danger, with your consent (lifting of anonymity and confidentiality

In the event that you are in imminent danger, particularly in the case of a suicide attempt, volunteers may ask you if you would like Nightline to call for help.

  • What personal data is collected?
    If you make this request explicitly, anonymity can be lifted and details that identify and locate you are collected by the volunteer. This data may include your first and last names, the address of the place where you are and details of how to access it (entry code, etc.), your telephone number, details of the danger involved (medication taken, injuries, etc.) and a contact person. The choice to give or not to give this information is always yours.
  • For what purpose?
    The information collected to identify you and/or locate you is only used to alert the emergency services.
  • Where is my data stored?
    The information collected to identify and/or locate you is stored on an information sheet kept in the office of the antenna concerned. Your chat messages are also stored on the DigitalOcean server hosting the chat service.
  • For how long?
    The information collected to identify and/or locate you is stored for one week before being deleted (destruction by shredding for the information sheet, deletion of your chat messages).
  • Who has access to it?
    In the event that you are in imminent danger, the personal data collected is transmitted to the emergency services. The volunteers on duty on the evening of your call and the president of the board of directors of the antenna will also have access to it.
  • On what legal basis?
    Your consent and the safeguarding of your vital interests. Nightline France only collects information enabling you to be identified and located at your explicit request, and only in the event that you are in imminent danger.

Abusive use of the service (lifting of confidentiality and partial lifting of anonymity)

In the event that a caller misuses the service in order to voluntarily harm volunteers (harassment, insults, inappropriate behaviour, etc.), the confidentiality of discussions can be lifted within the association to allow volunteers to respond to this abusive behaviour.
It is also possible that the board of directors of the called branch may decide to block a caller during a chat for reasons related to an abusive use of the service

Il est également possible que le conseil d'aministration de l'antenne appelée décide bloquer un·e appelant·e lors d’un tchat pour des raisons liées à un usage abusif du service.

  • What personal data is collected?
    The data collected are those related to the abusive part of the call, as well as possible means for the other volunteers of the duty station to recognise the caller with abusive behaviour in case of a recurrence.
    In addition, in the case of abusive use of the chat service, the IP address of the caller may be collected.

  • For what purpose?
    This data is used to accompany volunteers who are victims of abusive calls and to prevent other volunteers from encountering other abuses. The board of directors of the branch can also use this data to take a sanction, ranging from a warning to a blocking of the IP address. In this case, the only use of the collected IP address is to block potential future connections.

  • Where is my data stored?
    See misuse of the telephone line.
    In the event of misuse of the service, the IP address is stored on the DigitalOcean server hosting the chat service.

  • For how long?
    In order to be able to identify cases of recurrence and to enforce a ban on calling the long-distance line, this data (excluding the IP address) is stored for 5 years.
    The IP address is stored for the duration of the blocking decided by the Board of Directors, up to 5 years.

  • Who has access to it?
    In the event of a misuse of the service, the board of directors and volunteers of the branch concerned have access to the data collected (excluding the IP address). Only the first digits of the IP address are accessible, and they are only accessible to the administrators of the chat system.

  • On what legal basis?
    Nightline France's legitimate interest in protecting its volunteers from abusive behaviour.


Voluntary sharing of personal data (partial lifting of anonymity

It is also possible that you may give out personally identifiable information during an exchange without being asked to do so by the volunteer.

  • What personal data is collected?
    No personal data is collected voluntarily, but the chat keeps the information transmitted for 48 hours.

  • For what purpose?
    Nightline France makes no use of data transmitted voluntarily during a chat.

  • Where is my data stored?
    In the case of voluntary transmission of personal data via chat, the data is stored on the DigitalOcean server hosting the chat service.

  • For how long?
    Chats are stored for 48 hours before being automatically deleted.

  • Who has access to them?
    In the case of voluntary transmission of personal data via chat, the personal data is accessible to Nightline France volunteers and trainers, as well as to the administrators of the chat system (General Delegate and IT systems managers).

  • On what legal basis?
    Your consent. The personal data collected and stored through the chat is information that you voluntarily choose to transmit.

Presence of people at Nightline France’s helpline 

Occasionally, non-volunteers (employees, partners, journalists) may be present on the premises during Nightline France's duty hours. These people will never hear your calls, but they may hear the volunteers' answers on the telephone.

In this case, no personal data is collected and the people on the premises cannot hear your calls, they only have access to the Nightline France volunteers’ responses. 


Training of volunteers (partial lifting of confidentiality)

If the volunteer answering you in the chat is in the process of being trained, he or she may be assisted by a volunteer trainer, who will also be able to read your messages in the chat and possibly intervene if he or she considers it necessary.
During the 48 hours during which the content of your chat exchange is kept, it can also be used for a training exercise. During this exercise, a volunteer trainee and a volunteer trainer read the content of the chat together and discuss it.
In these cases, no personal data is collected, but the confidentiality of your exchanges includes the trainers in addition to the volunteer who answers you.


At the end of each call, the volunteers note the statistics relevent to the call which allows us to analyse the number of calls we recieve and the themes that come up, The statistics automatically include : hour and date of contact ; duration ; themes covered ; type of call (tchat/phone call) ; the relevent branch (Paris, Lyon, etc.) ; if the caller received a referral to another service ; if the caller was abusive towards the volunteer.

They can also include the following information (only if the caller chooses to disclose this during the call) : the level and field of study ; the type of establishment (university, school, etc.) ; the caller's gender ; their nationality.


Contact Form 

If you use the contact form on the website, it will collect your email address, which is necessary for its proper functioning.

  • What personal data is collected?
    The contact form collects your email address.
  • What is it used for?
    Your contact information is only used to contact you in return.
  • Where is my data stored?
    Your contact data is transferred to the mailbox related to your request and stored on Nightline France's Google Mail server. The licence for the use of Google services therefore applies to this data (see
  • For how long?
    Your contact data is only stored and processed in connection with the operation of the form and is only kept for the time required for this processing (contacting you in response, if necessary).
  • Who has access to it?
    Volunteers and paid employees who have access to a Nightline mailbox (chief delegate, transversal project manager, secretaries of the association).
  • On what legal basis?
    Your consent. By using the contact form, you consent to Nightline France collecting and processing your contact data.


Donation form

If you use the donation form to give money to our association via our site, the latter will collect the data necessary for the processing of the operation.
Your first and last names and email addresses are also accessible to Nightline France employees and volunteers in charge of managing donations. This data is only used to thank the donors.

  • What personal data is collected?
    The donation form collects your bank details or any other information concerning the method of payment (Paypal details, etc.), as well as the information required to draw up and send a tax receipt (surname, first name, address, country, date of birth and company name in the case of a donation in the name of a liberal profession or association), and your email address.
  • Pour quel usage ?
    Ces données sont utilisées uniquement dans le cadre du fonctionnement du formulaire (pour percevoir le don et établir et vous envoyer un reçu fiscal).
    Vos noms, prénoms et adresses mails sont également utilisés par l'équipe de Nightline France pour vous remercier de votre don.
  • Where is my data stored?
    This data is collected and stored by the payment operator Stripe (see : on its own servers.
  • For how long?
    This data is only kept for the time required for this operation (receiving the donation and sending you the tax receipt). In the case of regular donations (e.g. monthly), they are kept until the donations cease.
  • Who has access to it?
    The payment operator Stripe has access to the data collected through the donation form. This is also the case for Nightline France employees and volunteers in charge of managing donations.
  • On what legal basis?
    Your consent. By using the donation form, you consent to Stripe collecting and processing your data.