In France, there are nearly 400,000 international students, many of whom are English speakers. These students face unique challenges that local…
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You're a student and you’re embarking on this new term with enthusiasm, maybe a little stress, lots of ideas, and challenges to face. Whether you're…
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For two years, Nightline has been conducting preventive actions in prep schools in order to improve the general student mental health there - for the…
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For over a year now, Nightline’s website has been helping students in higher education all over France to find free, local and…
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"Be a man! Be strong. Boys don't cry. Don't be scared. Protect yourself. [...] Go out with girls. Make the first move. Be aggressive. Suppress your…
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As we’re all returning from the summer break, it is time for our Instagram account Student Support to take a fresh start! Let’s review together the…
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In December 2020, Nightline France launched its new podcast,Vide ton Sac. This platform allows students to discuss mental health and hands over to…
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What do we know about mental health for students in Europe, and what can we do together to improve it? These were the two questions which Nightline…
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On, Nightline's First Aid Kit is now translated and adapted into English, and accessible to even more students!
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