Evénements student-support.info has been refreshed For over a year now, Nightline’s website student-support.info has been helping students in higher education all over France to find free, local and… Read the article
Nightline Paris Evénements Covid, Netflix, piano playing and everything in between... Open Mind SKEMA, a student mental health association founded in 2019 by Daphne Wagner, their current President, has recently collaborated with… Read the article
Nightline Paris Evénements Panam Mental Workshop #1: Nightline provides tools to better understand the mental health of Parisian students In partnership with the Mairie de Paris (Paris City Hall), Nightline is launching a new event series called "Panam Mental Meetings". The first… Read the article
Evénements University Mental Health Day 2021 We are over half way through the second academic year in which Covid 19 has had a significant impact on our lives. The pandemic has affected each and… Read the article